SSC MTS, Havaldar Selection Procedure Details:

Selection Process details for Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Multi Tasking Staff (MTS), Havaldar Exam are given below…

The recruitment process will consist of Session-I and Session-II in Computer Based Examination (CBE).

The performance of the candidate in Session-I will be evaluated first and performance in Session-II would be evaluated only if a candidate qualifies in Session-I.

Minimum qualifying marks in Session-I and as well as in Session-II of Computer Based Examination are as follows:

(i) UR : 30%

(ii) OBC/ EWS: 25%

(iii) All other categories: 20%

The recruitment process for the post of Havaldar will consist of Computer Based Examination (CBE), Physical Efficiency Test (PET)/ Physical Standard Test (PST).

For the post of MTS, there will be separate category-wise, State/ UTwise cut-offs in Session-II. As the vacancies for MTS are in two age groups i.e. (i) 18 to 25 years and (ii) 18 to 27 years, the Commission may fix separate age group-wise, category-wise and State/ UT-wise cut-offs in CBE.

For the post of MTS, Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of their performance in Session-II of CBE. Normalized scores of the candidates will be used to determine merit in CBE. The merit list would be prepared solely based on performance in Session-II.

For the post of Havaldar, candidates will be shortlisted in the ratio of 1:7 (vacancies: candidates) for appearing in PET/ PST and on the basis of their performance in Session-II of CBE. Normalized scores of the candidates will be used to determine merit in CBE. The Commission may fix CCA-wise and category wise cut offs in Session-II of CBE.

The candidates who fail to qualify PET/ PST will not be considered for the post of Havaldar. However, as per their merit in the CBE, their candidature will remain valid for the post of MTS.

For the post of MTS, based on the performance in Session-II of CBE and preference of “post cum State/UT/CCA” exercised by them, candidates will be considered for final merit list.

For the post of Havaldar, based on performance in Session-II of CBE, preference of “post cum State/UT/CCA” exercised by them, and subject to qualifying in PET/PST, candidates will be considered for final merit list.

Final selection and allocation of Post-cum-States/ UTs/ CCAs will be made on the basis of performance of the candidates in Session-II of CBE, the preference of Post-cum-States/ UTs/ CCAs given by them in the online Application Form and the age-group of the candidates. Normalized scores of the candidates in Session-II will be used to determine merit and the candidates will only be considered against the vacancies of Post-cum-States/ UTs/ CCAs for which they have given their preference in the online Application Form. In the final result, there will be a single select list for all the posts. Once a Post-cumState/ UT/ CCA is allocated, no change will be made by the Commission due to non-fulfillment of any post specific requirements of physical/ medical/ educational standards.

As the vacancies for the post of MTS are in two age groups i.e. (i) 18 to 25 years and (ii) 18 to 27 years, therefore, in the final result, there will be separate age group-wise, State/ UT-wise and category-wise cut-offs. For the candidates who are eligible for both the age-groups, vacancies will first be filled in the age-group of 18-25 years.

Further allocation of Ministries/ Department/ Offices in the allocated States/ UTs for the post of MTS will be made by the Regional Offices of the Commission by using the standard methodology.

Candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, OBC, EWS, ESM and PwBD categories may be qualified by applying relaxed standards if the Commission is of the opinion that sufficient numbers of candidates of these categories are not likely to be available in order to fill up the vacancies reserved for these categories.

SC, ST, OBC, EWS, ESM, and PwBD candidates, who are selected on their own merit without relaxed standards, will not be adjusted against the reserved share of vacancies. Such candidates will be accommodated against the unreserved vacancies in the post as per their position in the overall merit or vacancies earmarked for their category, whichever is advantageous to them. The reserved vacancies will be filled up separately from amongst the eligible SC, ST, OBC, ESM, EWS and PwBD candidates.

SC, ST, OBC, EWS, ESM, and PwBD candidate who qualify on the basis of relaxed standards viz. age limit, experience or qualifications, permitted number of chances, extended zone of consideration, etc., irrespective of his merit position, is to be counted against reserved vacancies and not against un-reserved vacancies. Such candidates may also be recommended at the relaxed standards to the extent of number of vacancies reserved for them, to make up for the deficiency in the reserved quota, irrespective of their rank in the order of merit. In so far as cases of ex-serviceman are concerned, deduction of the military service rendered from the age of ex-servicemen is permissible against the reserved or unreserved posts and such exemption will not be termed as relaxed standards in regard to age. Similarly, for PwBD candidates, relaxation of 10 years in upper age limit will not be termed as relaxed standards.

A person with disability who is selected on his own merit can be appointed against an unreserved vacancy provided the post is identified suitable for Persons with Disability of relevant category

Success in the examination confers no right of appointment unless Government is satisfied after such enquiry as may be considered necessary that the candidate is suitable in all respects for appointment to the service/ post.

The candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions for admission to the examination. Their admission at all stages of the examination will be purely provisional, subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. If, on verification, at any time before or after the written examination(s), it is found that they do not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, their candidature for the examination will be cancelled.

Candidates on final selection may be required to acquire the proficiency in local language of the allotted State/ UT/ CCA for confirmation of a candidate to the allotted post by the User Ministry/ Department/ Office concerned.

If a candidate scoring more than cut-off marks in any stage of the examination, is not qualified for the subsequent stage/ final selection due to any reason, he must represent to the concerned Regional Office within 60 days from the date of declaration of result. Representation received in this regard after stipulated period will not be entertained.

If a candidate is finally selected and does not receive any correspondence from the Commission or the User Department concerned within a period of one year from the declaration of final result, he must communicate immediately thereafter with the User Department concerned.

The result will be declared only once by the Commission and no further nomination of candidates would be made in the event of vacancies left unfilled due to non-availability of suitable candidates, rejection of candidates during Document Verification by the User Departments, non-joining of candidates subsequent to the conduct of Document Verification by the User Departments, or any other reason. In such cases, the Departments may take further action regarding carrying forward of vacancies to the subsequent vacancy year in accordance with the extant rules.

There shall not be any Waiting List/ Reserve List after the declaration of Final Result.

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