SSC MTS, Havaldar Exam Pattern Details

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) Examination Pattern and scheme of examination are given below…

For the post of MTS, the examination will consist of a Computer Based Examination (CBE) and for the post of Havaldar, the examination will consist of CBE and Physical Efficiency Test (PET)/Physical Standard Test (PST).

Computer Based Exam: The Computer Based examination will consist of (Paper-I) objective type paper and (Paper-II) descriptive type as shown below.



Number of

Time Duration
(For all four Parts)
Session – I
INumerical and
Mathematical Ability
20/6045 Minutes (60
Minutes for candidates
eligible for scribes as
per para 8)
IIReasoning Ability
and Problem Solving
Session – II
IGeneral Awareness25/7545 Minutes (60
Minutes for candidates
eligible for scribes as
per para 8)
IIEnglish Language
and Comprehension
(i) Computer Based Examination will consist of Objective Type, Multiple choice questions. The questions will be set in English, Hindi, and in 13 regional languages for Session-I and the General Awareness Section of Session-II.There will be no negative marking in Session-I. In Session-II, there will be negative marking of one mark for each wrong answer. Candidates are, therefore, advised to keep this in mind while answering the questions. The candidates will get 45 minutes to complete Session-I. On completion of 45 minutes, Session-I will get automatically closed.


Physical Efficiency Test (PET)/ Physical Standard Test (PST) for the post of Havaldar in CBIC and CBN: Followings are the PET/ PST standards for the post of Havaldar in CBIC and CBN:

Physical Efficiency Test (PET):

1600 meters in 15
1 Km in 20 minutes
Physical Standard Test (PST):The minimum physical standards for the post of Havaldar in CBIC and CBN are as follows:

For Male:

Height: 157.5 cms. (relaxable by 5 cms. in the case of Garhwalis, Assamese, Gorkhas and members of Schedule Tribes)

Chest: Chest-81 cms. (fully expanded with minimum expansion of 5 cms.)

For Female:

Height: 152 cms. relaxable by 2.5 Cms in the case of Garhwalis, Assamese, Gorkhas and members of Schedule Tribes)

Weight: 48 kg (relaxable by 2 Kg in the case of Garhwalis, Assamese, Gorkhas and members of Schedule Tribes)

PET/ PST will be conducted by CBIC/CBN at various centres finalized by them. The candidates may be called for PET/ PST to any centre across the country. Candidates may note that they must fulfill the requirements for PET/PST as prescribed in the Recruitment Rules (RRs), subject to exemption for PwBD candidates

Document Verification (DV):

Document Verification (DV) will be conducted by the User Departments/Organizations after declaration of the final result.

The final result will be declared only once by the Commission and no further nomination of candidates would be made in the event of candidates not joining the offered posts. Thus, after the declaration of final result, vacancy(ies), if any, remaining unfilled due to non-availability of suitable candidates, non joining of candidates or any other reason(s) will not be filled up in that recruitment year and the Indenting Ministry/Department/Organization may carry forward those vacancies to the next recruitment cycle and report to the Commission as per the extant rules.

In view of the decision of the Government to expedite the recruitment process, Document Verification (DV) will be conducted by the User Departments/Organizations after declaration of the final result. Candidates will have to submit copies of various documents as given below at the time of Document Verification by the User Departments/ Organizations:

(i) Matriculation/ Secondary Certificate.

(ii) Order/ letter in respect of equivalent Educational Qualifications, indicating the Authority (with number and date) under which it has been so treated, in respect of equivalent clause in Essential Qualifications, if a candidate is claiming a particular qualification as equivalent qualification.

(iii) Caste/ Category Certificate, if belongs to reserved categories.

(iv) Persons with Disabilities Certificate in the required format, if applicable.

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